Unicommerce Financials & Metrics

FY 2022-23 Revenue₹92.96 Cr
FY 2022-23 Expenses₹84.10 Cr
FY 2022-23 Profit/Loss₹6.45 Cr
Net Cash Flow From Operations₹14.57 Cr

Financial Comparison

A detailed report of year-wise Financial Comparison of the company

₹860 ₹430

Shareholding Structure

Team at TheKredible has gone through several ROC filings and portrayed Shareholding Structure of the company.

₹998 ₹499

Financial Ratio

Analysis of Financial Ratios which gives quick insights about the company's profitability and capital efficiency.

₹398 ₹199

Revenue Breakdown

A report and breakdown of the company's year-wise revenue streams.

₹798 ₹399

Expense Breakdown

A report and breakdown of the company's year-wise expenditures.

₹798 ₹399
Get Financial Analysis of Unicommerce

TheKredible's detailed Financial report contains info about Business Model of the company along with year-wise Financial Comparison, Ratio Analysis and detailed Revenue and Expense breakdowns.
